Facility Rules

Welcome to IA! We are a family-focused private swim club. The following rules will allow you to enjoy our facility to the fullest.


  • Swimming is permitted only when pools are open, and a lifeguard is on duty.
  • Trespassers will be prosecuted.  
  • Members and Guests are expected to check in at the Hospitality Center.     
  • Guardians are responsible for their children.
  • Swimsuits must be full coverage.
  • Diving is only allowed in the deep end of the main pool.
  • Running, shoving, ducking, and boisterous conduct, including throwing children in the pool, will not be permitted. 
  • Nerf balls, air inflated pool balls, basketballs, inflatable rafts, and small inner tubes, are permitted only when the pool is not crowded and with the guard’s permission.  
  • Indian Acres kickboards are reserved for swim team members and for adults.
  • Personal media devices without earbuds are not allowed on the deck.   
  • Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the park.
  • Glass containers are not allowed.
  • Diving can result in crippling injury or death.  Rules for the use of the diving board are posted and will be strictly enforced.
  • Pools may not be available for general use during instruction periods.  
  • Adult swimming for approximately 10 minutes will occur at the top of every hour. Swimmers must be 18 and over to participate.
  • Due to Illinois Department of Health regulations, admission to the pool shall be refused to all persons having any contagious disease; any infectious conditions such as colds, fever, ringworm, foot infections, skin lesions, carbuncles, boils, diarrhea, vomiting, inflamed eyes, ears discharges; or any other condition that has the appearance of being infectious. Persons with excessive sunburn, abrasions that have not healed, corn plasters, bunion pads, adhesive tape, rubber bandages of any kind also shall be refused admittance. A person under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior shall not be permitted in the pool area.
  • All persons are encouraged to take a shower before entering the pool area. 
  • The pool water is not suitable for drinking. Avoid swallowing pool water.   
  • Children 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult 16 and older. 
  • Lifeguards are responsible for enforcing safety rules and responding to emergencies. Parents or guardians are responsible for supervising their children.
  • Children who are not toilet-trained shall wear tight fitting swimming diapers.
  • All patrons must wear clean swimming apparel in the pool. Street clothes may not be worn in the swimming pool.
  • Swimming is prohibited when lightning is present or eminent, including a 20-minute period after the last lightning is observed. All patrons must quickly evacuate the deck in a safe manner.
  • Personal conduct within the pool facility must be such that the safety of self and others is not jeopardized. No boisterous or rough play is permitted.
  • Inappropriate conduct such as swearing, fighting, stealing, and vandalizing will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the facility, loss of membership privileges, and criminal prosecution.
  • Pool will close if air temps reach 65 degrees or cooler.
  • The pool management has the authority to implement and enforce rules that are more stringent or that supplement those listed here.        

Lap Pool Rules

  • 2 lanes will be available at most times for lap swimming
  • 2 or more swimmers in a lane will share and circle swim
  • Lap walkers may use the lap lanes as long as there are no lap swimmers. Then you are asked to move out of the lap lanes.    

Lap Swim Etiquette  

Joining a lane: A single lane can accommodate several swimmers (watch a swim team practice sometime). Take a minute to observe each of the lanes and get a sense of which one you match up with best. Some pools designate slow lanes and fast lanes, but seeing the swimmers that are already going is an even better gauge. When you are ready to pick a lane and start swimming, make sure everyone in that lane is aware that you’re going to join them. Sit by the edge of the pool and wait for them to finish a set, or ease in and stand in the corner of the lane until they acknowledge you’re joining them, or wave a kickboard/foot/hand underwater at the edge of the pool to get their attention. You may need to wait for a few minutes to start if swimmers are in the middle of a set. Have a quick discussion about how you’re going to swim together—either by splitting the lane (if there are just two of you) or by swimming in circles (if there are two or more).  

Splitting the Lane: One of you swims on one side of the lane and one of you swims on the other. If you’re splitting the lane, you stay in your half no matter what.  

Circle Swim: Much like traffic on a road, always swim on the right side of the lane. This means swimming on one side of the lane going down and the other side of the lane coming back. Swimmers move in a counterclockwise circle, hence the name. Some pools require splitting lanes if there are just two and going to a circle if there are more than two. Other pools require circling lanes even if you’re by yourself. Whatever the case, make sure everyone in your lane is on the same page before you get started.                        

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Travelin\'  Tom\'s Coffee

Illini Insurance  Agency

Champaign Pool Pros

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